Abbreviations for Sources
- AR - Acadian Recorder (Halifax)
- B - Bridgewater Bulletin
- CG - Coast Guard (Shelburne & Clark's Harbour)
- CH - Chronicle Herald (Halifax)
- CW - The Christian Watchman (Boston)
- DC - Digby Courier
- DT - Daily Telegram (St. John)
- HC - Halifax Chronicle
- HH - Halifax Herald
- HMS - Halifax Mail Star
- MC - Morning Chronicle (Halifax?)
- MH - Morning Herald (Halifax)
- PW - Presbyterian Witness (Halifax)
- SH - Sunday Herald (Boston)
- VAN - Yarmouth Vanguard
- YA - Yarmouth Advertiser
- YDG - Yarmouth Daily Globe
- YDN - Yarmouth Daily News
- YDP - Yarmouth Daily Post
- YH - Yarmouth Herald
- YH & Tel - Yarmouth Herald & Telegram
- YL - Yarmouth Light
- YLH - Yarmouth Light Herald
- YT - Yarmouth Times
- YTel - Yarmouth Telegraph
- YTrib - Yarmouth Tribune
- CFB Cem - Crosby Family Cemetery, Brenton
- HS Cem - Hillside Cemetery, South Ohio, Yarmouth Co.
- L of C Cem - Lady of Calvary Cemetery, Yarmouth
- T Cem - St. Stephens Cemetery, Tusket
- YM Cem - Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery
Monuments and Memorials
- AM - Argyle Memorial
- GM - Gloucester Memorial
- LM - Lunenburg Memorial
- SIM - Surette's Island Memorial
- BG - Brown's Genealogies
- RYS - Record of Yarmouth Shipping
- AppRYS - Appendix to the Record of Yarmouth Shipping
- YR - Yarmouth Reminiscences
- A - Acadian Mariners and the Schooners of Gloucester, Mass by Rev Dennis M. Boudreau
- F - Fishermen of the Atlantic - 1914 and 1919 editions pub. by Fishing Masters Association, Boston
- LAV - Life's a Voyage - In memory of drowning victims from East Pubnico and Charlesville. Pub Pubnico Light Monument Society
- LNPO - Les Noyades de Pubnico-Ouest
- RM - Out of Gloucester - Down to the Sea in Ships (Supplied to the list by Robert Sheedy)
- Boucher - Development of an Acadian Village
- Brown - Yarmouth, Nova Scotia: A Sequel to Campbell's History
- Boucher - Development of an Acadian Village
- Campbell - History of the County of Yarmouth
- Cann - The Cann Boats
- Chebogue - The Records of the Church of Jebogue
- Chittick - Your Affectionate Father, William Rogers
- Crowell - Novascotiaman
- d'Entremont - A Brief History of Pubnico
- Hichens - Island Trek
- High Hopes - Historical Trails
- Newell - Descendents of Henry Burrell
- Nichols - Quite A Curiosity: The Sea Letters of Grace F. Ladd
- Pothier - History of Tusket, Nova Scotia
- Ranten - Arcadia History
- Simpson - If We are Spared to each Other
- Spicer - The Age of Sail
- Walla - In the Wake of the Windships
- Wallace-WSIM - Ships and Iron Men
- Wetmore - Book of Shipwrecks and Rescues
* For the most part these are the same initials as those used by the Yarmouth County Museum & Archives.
** Generally only the author's surname is used here.
Selected Bibliography
- Bent, Capt. Stephen (Ed. by Mark A.Lovewell) The Autobiography of Captain Stephen Bent. South Street Seaport Museum, New York, 1976. (Manuscript Series No. 2)
- Beveridge, Capt. Harry Dougwell Memoirs of a Blue-Nosed Sea Captain. The folk Press, Honolulu, 1886. (ISBN0-938603-00-0)
- Boucher, Neil The Development of an Acadian Village: Surette's Island 1859-1970) Lescarbot Press, Yarmouth, 1980
- Brown, George S. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia: A Sequel to Campbell's History. Rand Avery Company, Boston, 1888.
- Brown, George S. Yarmouth, Nova Scotia: Genealogies (Transcribed from The Yarmouth Herald). Genealogical Publishing Co. Inc. Baltimore, 1993. ISBN 0-8063-1372-2
- Campbell, Rev. J.R. A History of the County of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia J. & A. McMillan, Saint John, N.B., 1876.
- Cann, G.B. West Nova Ships and Their Men: The Cann Boats C. Branches, Sarnia, 2002. ISBN 0-9699279-1-6
- Chebogue - No single author The Records of the Church of Jebogue in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia 1766-1851 Stoneycroft Publishing, Yarmouth, 1992 (ISBN 0-96919137-7-5)
- Chittick, Barbara Bennett Your Affectionate Father, William Rogers: Letters from William Rogers of Yarmouth to his son, Arthur, when Arthur was away at Boarding School, 1873-1874. Privately published, designed and printed by Paté Poste, Boston, 1986.
- Crowell, Clement W. Novascotiaman Nova Scotia Museum, Halifax, 1979
- Davis, Ralph Harold The Davis Family of Connecticut New York, Brier Island and Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, 1690-1997: A History & Genealogy Halifax, 1982 (ISBN 0-7703-0198-3)
- d'Entremont, Rev. Clarence Joseph A Brief History of Pubnico Privately Published, Pubnico, 1982
- Hichens, Walter W. Island Trek: An Historical & Geographical tour of Seal Island, NS Lancelot Press Ltd., Hantsport, 1982 (ISBN 0-88999-169-3)
- High Hopes Historical Trails through Port Maitland, Beaver River, Sandford, Short Beach and Darling's Lake Yarmouth, 1985 (ISBN 0-9691-1552-5)
- Lawson, J. Murray (compiler) Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth, N.S. Yarmouth, NS, 1876.
- Lawson, J. Murray (compiler) Appendix to the Record of the Shipping of Yarmouth, N.S. from 1876 to 1884. Yarmouth, NS, 1884.
- Lawson, J. Murray (compiler) Yarmouth Past and Present (Yarmouth Reminiscences). Yarmouth, NS, 1902.
- Newell, E.J. Descendents of Henry Burrell Spanks, Nevada, 1993
- Nichols, Louise Quite A Curiosity: The Sea Letters of Grace F. Ladd. Nimbus Publishing Ltd., Halifax, N.S., 2003 (ISBN 1-55109-430-4)
- Pothier, Don R. History of Tusket, Nova Scotia Don. R. Pothier, publisher, Tusket, 2005 (ISBN 0-9737976-0-6)
- Ricker, Jackson Historical Sketches of Glenwood and the Argyles Truro, 1979 (reprint - originally published 1941)
- Simpson, Raymond A.(compiler and editor) If We are Spared to each Other (Love and Faith Against the Sea) Lancelot Press, Hantsport, NS, 1995 (ISBN 0-88999-557-5)
- Spicer, Stanley T. Masters of Sail McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited, Toronto, 1968
- Spicer, Stanley T. The Age of Sail Formac Publishing Co. Ltd., Halifax, 2001 (ISBN 0-88780-539-6)
- Waite, Peter B. The Lives of Dalhousie University: 1925-1980, the old college transformed. McGill-Queen's University Press 1998 (V. 2). (ISBN 0-7735-1644-I)
- Wallace, Frederick William In the Wake of the Windships Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. London, 1927.
- Wallace, Frederick William Wooden Ships and Iron Men Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. London and Toronto, 1924. (and Charles E. Lauriat Co. Boston, 1937)
- Wetmore, Alice Book of Shipwrecks and Rescues Yarmouth County Archives #1996:1.