Lost to Sea Tender Under Budget

Memorial Concept

Lost to the Sea Memorial - conceptual drawing.

Published on May 23, 2012
© The Yarmouth Vanguard
Article by Tina Comeau

Another tender has come back for the Lost to Sea memorial monument project and this time the cost has come in under budget.

The latest tender for the work came in at $352,041.

"We do have the money, it is under budget, I think three times we tendered out to get it under budget," said Deputy Mayor Byron Boudreau at Yarmouth town council's May 17 meeting.

A while back the federal government committed $225,000 towards the memorial project, which will see a monument put up remembering those from the Yarmouth area who lost their lives at sea.

Researchers at the Yarmouth County Historical Society have been busy researching the names that will be displayed on the monument. The list of names exceeds 2,000 names.

A site for the memorial - to be located on the northeast corner of Water and Glebe streets - was chosen in 2006.

The intention had been to construct and unveil the Lost to the Sea memorial during Yarmouth's 250th anniversary celebrations last year, but the costs that came in during previous tenders prevented the work from going ahead. Aspects of the project were re-looked at as a result.

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